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(I'm the barber on the left. No, unfortunately, I am not a real barber) First off, if you came here from the other blurb, I want to apologize for the unneeded and untrue rant. I just wanted to try to emulate what so many digital nomads like to say about themselves (it's very surreal to say that I'm now a digital nomad, but I think I have finally reached that stage). So, I guess the question still remains... Why me?​


The real driving force for this project, this lifestyle, is the Appel fellowship. Because I am a student at Claremont McKenna, I was able to apply for this amazing writing fellowship that emphasizes personal development paired with a writing project. What I chose to research is the affect of Covid 19 and Climate change on street food. Though that is the research element of my project, I really wanted to experience what it would be like to be a Travel writer, a Food writer, and a Blogger. I have the Appel Fellowship to thank for all of this, and I will never forget what they have done for me.


I know this is getting long, But I wanted to share a little bit about why I am so obsessed with travel, food, and writing. As for travel, it starts with my childhood. My siblings and I loved to travel so much when we were younger, and we made a promise that at least one of us would have to work as a travel writer. I'm doing this to fulfill that promise. I've always loved food, because I believe it is the absolute best way to understand a culture. After working in a restaurant myself, I became even more hooked on what makes food unique. I wanted to try every food from every culture. As for writing, It's become a way to entertain, and to express myself. I love it.


Finally, I would like to thank Christian LeBlanc, from the channel LostLeblanc for inspiring me to work with video, and to choose Southeast Asia as my first destination.


Hope you're having A.Fine.Time


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