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12 Hours in Amsterdam

Kai Fine


This adventure began the moment I got on the flight from Portland to Amsterdam. I had already been up for a few hours, as it was a night flight. Getting through security was easy and quick (pro tip: get TSA Pre, it is guaranteed to make your life easier and only $80 for lifetime use). After speeding through immigration, I checked my bags for $6 each in the airport basement which was incredibly convenient. At this point, I wasn't sure how to actually get into the city, so I asked one of the security guards, who recommended I take the train in, and use public transport on the $7 day pass you can buy in the airport. Please take note of this common trend. I ask for help, and the reason I do this is because literally every single person in Amsterdam speaks english. It is one of the easiest cities to travel in because of this and the great public transport system!

Anyway, back to the day...

Once I arrived on the transit, I hopped on one of the incredibly clean trams, and rode it into the city.

The first thing I was struck by was the diversity. While riding the bus, I heard at least 5 different languages being spoken, and people of all races chatting in dutch and english throughout the ride.



I stepped out of Amsterdam central station around 9 am, admired the beauty, and was promptly interrupted by a growling stomach. At this point it hit me that I had eaten nothing but trail mix for the past 14 hours. First step: acquire nutrients.

Luckily, the cafe Coffee and Coconuts, recommended by a native friend of mine was located only a short 15 minute train ride away.

Honestly, this place is so cute I'll let the photos do the talking...

I mean look at it... boho, comfy, multi-floored, what more could a hungry breakfast goer ask for?

the food and drinks were also great. I got the sampler and a coconut coffee, which surprised me with how creamy and smooth it was. The french toast was definitely the star here, with a strong banana caramel painted over it. The yogurt was unsweetened but good, closer to Skyr than your average go-gurt.

On the left is the sampler :) The coffee was so good that I forgot to take a photo of it unfortunately. Guess you'll have to go try it for yourself.

One of my favorite things to do while traveling is to just open google maps after I finish eating somewhere and see if there is anything fun within walking distance. I did the same thing here, and found out a locals market was going on that very same morning.

So, of course, I headed over. Almost died a few times due to looking the wrong way while crossing the street, but overall a safe ten minute journey.

The market was quiet when I arrived, in that strange twilight zone between the chefs shopping early in the morning and the stalls opening for lunch browsers. It was perfect for me. I walked through the market stalls as they were setting up and made a quick snack of a savory Turkish pancake and a stroopwafel, arguably the most iconic food from Amsterdam.

I got mine with the classic caramel filling, but they also offered Nutella. I have to emphasize this - FRESH STROOPWAFELS ARE VERY DIFFERENT THAN THE GROCERY STORE ALTERNATIVE. They are hot and crispy on the outside, filled with sweet and slightly salty warm caramel. when you bite in, the flavor bursts in your mouth, already enticing you to take the next bite. Definitely would recommend.

After eating my fill, I decided to explore some of the different neighborhoods, so I hopped back on the trains and headed to central station.

As I wandered, I admired the gorgeous old style architecture, the myriad of parks, and the stunning canals. I finally understood what made this city so desirable to so many people. I realized I could even see myself living in a place like this, which is rare.

Here are some photos I took while strolling!

While I was walking, I also decided to book myself a time slot at the Rijkmuseum. I chose 12:30, so I would have some extra time to walk around. I decided to stay around the area where the Rijkmuseum, the Van Gogh museum and a few other museums were located. It was quite touristy, but fun going into the gift shops and libraries. located near the museums. I also walked around the museum itself, which is this stunning building.

I have to say, I think the museum itself was my favorite building I saw, the gothic architecture and stained glass windows were amazing. The thing I like about the panorama is the absolute number of bikes. EVERYONE rides bikes in Amsterdam, and It's amazing! They have dedicated bike lanes, and apparently you can even get discounts at stores if you bike.

After reminiscing about exploring the city by bike, it was finally my time to go to the museum! There are so many artifacts inside, it was hard to keep track of. Inside, there was the work of hundreds of famous Dutch and other European artists, along with all the other places they colonized throughout history (very problematic not going to lie). Here are some of my favorites :)

To me, though I was surrounded by innumerable irreplaceable pieces of art, the most impressive thing was the way they cultivated the interest of the next generation. while I was walking through the museum, I say no less than 6 different groups of kids, led by an enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide. the best part about all this is that the kids seemed genuinely interested. That really made my time at the museum special.

After leaving the museum, I walked around and explored more neighborhoods, tried a stall that served traditional fried fish, and listened to live music. My goal was to just take in the city.

After such a long flight, this was very rewarding and relaxing, here are some of the final shots I took before taking the train back to the airport!

I'd say the bottom video is my favorite, it seems to accentuate the vibe of the city.

Anyway, thanks for reading this far! I know this is only 12 hours, and only the first piece about my trip, but I hope you'll stick around for my adventures through Bali. Much love, Kai



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